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Instructions for Sony

Settings related to Storage & Memory

  1. Go to Phone settings Storage & Memory Smart cleaner > turn the switch OFF.Or:
    Go to Phone Settings Storage & Memory > tap the button with the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner > choose Advanced > add our app to the “Whitelist”.

Settings related to STAMINA mode

  1. Go to Phone settings Battery or Power management STAMINA mode > turn the switch at the top OFF or select “Never”> if possible also turn Extented standby OFF > also turn Extended usage OFF > also turn Stamina clock OFF > click on Apps active in standby and add our app to the list via ‘Add applications‘.
  2. Go to Phone Settings Battery or Power management > Ultra STAMINA mode > turn switch OFF or turn “ACTIVATE” OFF.

Settings related to battery optimization

  1. Go to Phone settings Battery or Power management > tap on the top right button with the 3 vertical dots > choose Battery optimization > at the top choose Apps/All apps > choose our app from the list > set ‘Not optimize” / “Do not optimize”.
    Go to battery optimization via: Phone settings Applications > Special access.
    Go to Phone settings Apps & notifications > tap Advanced at the bottom > choose Special access > at the top of the screen select Battery optimization > click the big button (“Not optimized”) > choose All apps > choose our app > choose “Not optimize”.

Settings related to battery-saving mode

  1. Go to Phone settings > if possible: choose Network & Internet > choose Data usage > choose Data saver > turn OFF switch > if possible: select Unrestricted data access and add our app.
    Go to Phone settings Battery > tap the button with the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner > Battery saver > turn switch OFF.
    Go to Phone SettingsBattery/Power Management > click on Battery saver > turn switch OFF or turn “ACTIVATE” OFF.
    Go to Phone Settings Battery > Batttery Manager > turn switch OFF.
  2. Or: Go to Phone Settings Battery Battery Saver > check if the switch next to Turn on automatically is OFF > if not: set the threshold to a low percentage, for example “To 15%”> set the switch next to Turn on automatically OFF.
  3. Or: Go to Phone settings Battery Adaptive Battery > turn switch OFF.
  4. Or: Go to Phone settings Display Sleep > turn switch OFF.
  5. Or: Go to Phone Settings Battery Battery Care > turn switch OFF.

Permissions settings

  1. Go to Phone Settings Apps > select our app from the list > Permissions > turn all permissions (including “Location”) ON.
    Go to Phone Settings Apps > choose our app > set Location Permission to “Always”.
    Go to Phone Settings Apps & Notifications > “See all .. Apps”. > choose our app from the list > choose Permissions > turn all switches ON.
  2. Or: Go to Phone Settings Apps & Notifications > click “See all .. Apps”> choose our app from the list > Advanced Battery > check if Background restriction is set to “App can use battery in the background”> if Background restriction is set to “Restricted” then click on Background restriction and choose “Remove”.
  3. Or in Android 11: Go to Phone Settings > choose our app > App-info > Permissions >  “Permissions auto-reset” > turn switch OFF.

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