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Instructions for Huawei

Get the Android and associated so-called EMUI version on your Huawei phone. This is more important than your precise device version:Tap Settings > System > About phone
or :
Settings > Device info > Software info, there is the Android version number.

Then you can view the version-specific instructions here:

The instructions below apply “in any case” to the following Huawei devices:

  • P30 Pro
  • P30
  • P30 Lite
  • Nova 5T
  • P20 Pro
  • P20
  • P20 Lite
  • Mate20 Pro
  • Mate20
  • Mate20 Lite
  • P SMART 2019
  • P SMART 2018
  • P SMART Plus
  • P10 Plus
  • P10
  • P10 Lite
  • Mate10 Pro
  • Mate10 Lite
  • Mate9
  • Y7
  • Y6
  • Honor10
  • Honor Play

Huawei P40 (Lite) devices and other new Huawei devices are unfortunately not supported, because these devices no longer use Google Play services.

If something still goes wrong with the registration of the rides, you can always contact our support.

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