Fynch-klant-Censo-in Arval-Podcast

What is sustainable mobility?

By sustainable mobility, we mean a future-proof mode of transportation, where our trips do not affect the environment and cause less and less CO2 emissions.

27% of all CO2 emissions come from our travel, more than half of which can be related to business mobility. So here is a great opportunity to make the world a little better.

Why is sustainable mobility important?

The goals of the Dutch government and the European Union are ambitious:

  • The Netherlands wants to reduce CO2 emissions by 49% below 1990 levels by 2030
  • The European Union wants 60% fewer emissions from transport by 2050

All this while the number of transport movements continues to grow.

How can Fynch Mobility help me?

4 examples of sustainable mobility


Choose the bicycle instead of the car!
Over 50% of all car trips are shorter than 7.5 kilometers, a distance that is better covered by bicycle. Because faster, nicer, cheaper and of course much more sustainable!

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In many cases, public transport is an excellent or even better alternative than the car. The shared bike allows you to travel quickly from door to door and you save parking costs and aggravation.

In addition, it is possible to work on the train and travel time is not necessarily lost time.


Carpooling indirectly reduces congestion; after all, a car is still driving. But when you are with 4 people in the car who otherwise each drive their own car, a 75% difference is made.

In addition, it is pleasant and you can save time by doing work meetings in the car instead of in the office.


Work from home!

Prevention is better than cure. Not traveling, of course, is more sustainable than traveling. In addition, consider how much time you save by not traveling.



Employers will no longer be allowed to pay a fixed, untaxed travel reimbursement as of Jan. 1, 2022; only actual trips made and work-from-home days will be eligible for untaxed reimbursement. The burden of proof and obligation to keep records lies with the employer, but this obligation can also lead to a lot of extra administration for employees. More info from the tax authorities can be found in the Payroll Tax Handbook 2023.

CO2 registration requirement for employees

Effective July 1st, 2024, the Reporting Requirement Work-Related Mobility of Persons will be permanently implemented for employers with more than 100 employees.

Explore the possibilities of Fynch

Duurzaam reisgedrag stimuleren

Appealing employment

Being an appealing employer is crucial in these times of unprecedented tightness in the labor market. Offering a mobility policy that gives employees maximum flexibility and freedom of choice contributes to this. Also, recently published research shows that more than 65% of young Dutch people consider the climate impact of employers an important factor when looking for a job.

An attractive and sustainable mobility policy. You organize it with Fynch!

Without Fynch
  • Manual declarations
  • Not flexible
  • Not sustainable
  • No appealing reimbursements
  • Challenging to declare
  • No insight into CO2
  • No behavioral change
With Fynch
  • Fynch app
  • Flexible
  • Encourage sustainable travel
  • Appealing reimbursements
  • Easy to declare
  • Real time 24/7 insight into CO2
  • Behavioral Change Program
Questions about Fynch?

Happy customers

bmw-financial-services-logo bcd travel logo duravermeer-logo Gemeente Beekdalen logo Volvo Group Netherlands BV x Fynch qpark logo
bmw-financial-services-logo bcd travel logo duravermeer-logo Gemeente Beekdalen logo Volvo Group Netherlands BV x Fynch qpark logo
fynch app

Fynch app

Our mobility app tracks the CO2 emissions of all your employees on a daily basis. The Fynch App supports the employee daily in registering and declaring business trips, commuting trips and work-from-home days. This saves employees a lot of time and irritation.

Client cases

Alhpabet Carbon Tracker Fynch

...ultimately felt that Fynch offered the most options to meet the needs of our diverse staff, from mechanics to managers.

View this case
Volvo Group Netherlands BV x Fynch

...ultimately found that Fynch offered the most options to meet the needs of our diverse workforce, from mechanics to managers.

View this case

...is supported by Fynch through its innovative mobility platform in achieving the objectives of the new mobility scheme.

View this case

We are here for all your questions about your mobility policy

Can you help me set-up a mobility policy?

Yes, we help clients do this. We do that by sharing various best practices from our clients. We can also help with the creation of a mobility policy. We do this either with our own team of consultants or we work with partners to do this.

Do you also offer a mobility budget solution?

Yes certainly we do. We offer mobility cards from NS, MTC and MaaS services for this purpose. Using split billing of business mobility and private mobility, we calculate the net compensation each month. You can read more about this here.

Automate registration of CO2 emissions related to mobility

Save yourself and your workforce time and easily meet CO2 reporting requirements.