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How can I delete my account?

We are sad to hear you want to delete your Fynch account! Deleting your account is permanent, which means it will no longer be possible to retrieve your data. Still want to delete? You can do that in the followings ways:

  • Delete from the app. To do this, open the app, go to the Profile page and select Settings. Here, you can see a button Delete account, which enables you to immediately and permanently delete your account and all associated data.
  • Cancel your subscription. Did you start a personal subscription through the App Store or Google Play Store? In that case, you can cancel your subscription through the store. Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and find your active subscriptions.
  • Closing a company account. If your employer will stop using Fynch or if you are leaving the company, you normally don’t have to do anything. Your account will automatically be deleted. In case you want to delete your account directly, you can do so in the app yourself.

Please note that when we delete your account, we also delete all associated personal and travel information. This means it will no longer be possible to access this data.

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