Fynch Analytics impact monitor

Immediate and ongoing insight into travel behavior and footprint

Fynch Analytics provides real-time insight into the build-up of the mobility-related CO2 footprint. We also provide insight into modality split, movement time, and trips inside and outside rush hour. You can use this data to gain insight into the costs and travel behavior of your employees. The tool helps you adjust your mobility policy.

In Fynch Analytics, you will also find the data you need for the Dutch Reporting Requirement Work-Related Mobility of Persons and other CO2 reporting legislation. The Dutch legislation requires companies with more than 100 employees to annually report all work-related kilometers by mode with a distinction between commuting and business kilometers.

Fynch Plug & Play

The Fynch Impact Monitor gives you access to valuable information for further optimizing your mobility policy. For example, you can immediately see the effect of introducing a bicycle plan.

With one click you receive an annual report with all the data necessary for your CO2 reporting under the normative regulation.