Work-related mobility reporting obligation will come into effect on 1 July 2023

As of July 1, 2023, organizations with more than 100 employees in the Netherlands must report all work-related employee mobility. Each company will have to register this report via a platform built by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). The calculation of the CO2 emissions is then done via the platform.

Insight into the new reporting law

Each company will have to register this report via a platform built by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). The calculation of the CO2 emissions is then done via the platform. The new law stems from the Climate Agreement, which states that 1 megaton of CO2 must be reduced by 2030. Therefore, employers must provide the following data for the previous year from 1 July 2023:

  • Number of kilometers traveled;
  • Means of transport used (car, motorcycle, moped, (e-) bicycle, public transport);
  • Fuel used by mode of transport (petrol, diesel, PHEV, electric).

Source: Rijksoverheid

Whether or not a legal standard?

Fynch Mobility has been involved in the development of this legislation together with other service providers. Initially, the idea of IenW was to immediately set a legal standard for the maximum amount of CO2. Through consultation with the employers’ organizations involved, it was decided to start with a collective emission ceiling, without a mandatory individual standard.

Source: CO2 Reductie Mobiliteit

Gain insight through Fynch Mobility.

Fynch Mobility has been helping companies in the Netherlands for years to reduce CO2 emissions caused by mobility. It is from this role and experience that Fynch is involved in this legislation. Fynch has provided input that makes the legislation more effective and less complex for Dutch employers. Via the Fynch Impact Platform, the employee is encouraged to reduce the mobility footprint and increase vitality through, among other things, (differentiated) mileage allowances for commuting, business travel and home working days, insight into personal footprint, gamification and the Fynch reward program. Organizations gain insight into the total footprint on an anonymized and aggregated level, which can be used to benchmark against other organizations. Fynch is the official facilitator of the NS business card and thus offers easy access to public transport and shared mobility. Fynch also helps companies to set up an attractive bicycle plan and mobility policy. With the push of a button, organizations receive all the data required for the annual report via the monitor.

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