How PPO Rotterdam made mobility declarations easy and fun again with Fynch

Fynch helps PPO Rotterdam and its 150 employees with the daily registration and declaration of commuting, business trips and home working days. PPO Rotterdam uses the Fynch mobility platform for this, which consists of the Fynch app, web monitor, mobility configurator & calculator and the Fynch rewards program. See the impact results achieved by PPO Rotterdam after 1 year with Fynch Mobility on the right.

  • 10% less car kilometers
  • 5% more bike kilometers
  • 9% more public transport trips
  • 10% less CO2-emissions per employee

Set-up customer case PPO Rotterdam

Fynch helps PPO Rotterdam and its 150 employees with the daily registration and declaration of commuting, business trips, and work-from-home days.

PPO Rotterdam uses the Fynch mobility platform for this, which consists of the Fynch app, web monitor, mobility configurator & calculator, and the Fynch rewards program.

“The Fynch platform was exactly the solution we were looking for. Due to hybrid working and the new mobility rules for tax-free reimbursement of travel expenses and working from home, our employees have to make an average of 50 to 80 declarations per month. This leads to many mistakes, takes a lot of time and leads to a lot of annoyance. Fynch makes this very easy and fun for both the employee and manager” – Gijs van der Laan, Head of Operations PPO Rotterdam.

Fynch app for automatic registration of journeys and home working days

Employees of PPO Rotterdam use the Fynch app to register all trips and work-from-home days daily. Fynch recognizes work-from-home days and whether you cycle, walk, use public transport, or travel by car.

The employee can choose between automatic, start-stop, or manual registration. The mobility performance and journeys are only visible to the user.

Based on this registration and the amount of the allowances that apply in the new mobility scheme of PPO Rotterdam, the monthly travel expenses and work-from-home reimbursements are calculated by Fynch.

PPO employees download their declaration report every month and easily submit it to the salary system. Fynch will make this step even easier by linking directly to the salary system in the future.

Fynch web monitor for environmental impact management

The Fynch web monitor gives PPO Rotterdam insight into the structure of the mobility-related CO2-footprint of the entire organization, including emissions from private cars for business use.

This means that PPO Rotterdam is ready for the standard work-related mobility scheme that will come into effect from January 2023 for employers with more than 100 employees.

This legislation obliges employers to monitor and reduce CO2 emissions caused by mobility.

The monitor also provides insight into the modality split, movement time, and travel during and outside rush hour. This data is available near time. Completely anonymized and aggregated, of course.

A valuable data source for further optimizing mobility policy.

Fynch mobility configurator for setting up new mobility scheme

Since 1 January 2022, PPO Rotterdam has introduced a new mobility scheme that complies with the new tax legislation and the PO CLA.

This mobility scheme has been introduced in the Fynch mobility configurator, which means that the monthly allowances per employee are automatically calculated.

Since 1 January, the new mobility scheme of PPO Rotterdam includes a work-from-home allowance (2 euros per day) and the fixed commuting allowance has been replaced by a kilometer allowance for all home-work and business trips.

The fixed commuting reimbursements is no longer allowed and is no longer an issue for most employees, who often work hybrid.

The actual travel movements recorded by Fynch are decisive for being allowed to pay a fixed amount per kilometer.

PPO Rotterdam has set up the Fynch mobility configurator as follows:

  • You are entitled to a fixed compensation per kilometer for every journey regardless of the means of transport. For the movement from home to the first work location and vice versa, a maximum number of kilometers of 35 kilometers applies.
  • The gross compensation is 28 cents per kilometer and is tax-free for 19 cents. Tax is withheld on the remaining 9 cents. The net compensation is approximately 24 cents per kilometer.
  • The reimbursement for parking costs at non-PPO locations has been canceled.
  • A homework allowance of €2.00 per day is reimbursed for days that the employee works according to the schedule and does not make any travel movements for work.
  • The employee will receive the compensation after submitting a claim via HR2DAY.

Benefits for employees PPO Rotterdam

The great thing about this new scheme is that the employee has also improved:

  • With the introduction of a work-from-home reimbursements, an additional employment condition is added that is not included in the Collective Labor Agreement.
  • The scheme applies to commuter traffic from 1 kilometer and no longer from 7 kilometers as stated in the Collective Labor Agreement. This means that all travel kilometers are now eligible for reimbursement and certainly also the bicycle kilometers!
  • The maximum number of kilometers from home to work is 35 kilometers one way, which is wider than the collective labor agreement (21 kilometers).
  • By applying a rate of 28 cents (24 cents net) per kilometer, approximately 15 cents net per kilometer more is reimbursed for commuting than is stated in the collective labor agreement.
  • The parking costs for locations other than PPO locations will be canceled. This is not a Collective Labor Agreement compensation, but it is a customary compensation at PPO. An internal investigation has shown that, with a few exceptions, the amount of the claim is very limited and that the difference between this scheme and the commuter traffic scheme of the Collective
  • Labor Agreements can be amply covered.
  • The exchange scheme at the end of the year no longer exists because the full fiscal scope is used (neutral effect but great administrative simplification).

Sustainable and vital travel and work are rewarded

Employees who travel sustainably and actively are rewarded with coins. You earn coins by cycling, traveling by public transport, traveling outside rush hour, walking, and working from home.

Coins can be redeemed in the Fynch app for discounts on a range of sustainable incentives.

In the first year of the scheme, PPO does not want to make a distinction between the compensation for the various modes of transport. Using a bicycle is much cheaper than using a car.

Together with the bicycle scheme, an employee who lives within a reasonable distance from work can invest the ‘profit’ in an (electric) bicycle.

At the end of the first year of this scheme, it will be examined whether further investment can be made with the use of the work-related costs scheme in promoting mobility with the lowest possible environmental impact.

With Fynch, PPO Rotterdam kills three birds with one stone: administrative relief, insight, and the stimulation of sustainable and vital travel behavior.

About PPO Rotterdam

PPO Rotterdam is one of 77 partnerships for appropriate primary education in the Netherlands. PPO Rotterdam is formed by 21 affiliated school boards that are active in primary education in Rotterdam to more than 52,000 children.

Mission and vision

The mission of PPO Rotterdam is:

A suitable education place for all Rotterdam children, as much as possible in their neighborhood.

PPO Rotterdam aims to make all forms of education more inclusive (bao-sbo-so) and to prevent exclusion so that a suitable education place is available for all Rotterdam children.

Regular where possible, special if necessary, and as close to home as possible (in your neighborhood). PPO Rotterdam facilitates the schools to realize this and stimulates hybrid forms of education.

The Rotterdam model

In Rotterdam, we work together on appropriate education through the ‘Rotterdam model’. The expertise on extra support for children is secured in this and is employed by the partnership.

Expertise that is hired externally is available in the form of the ‘school budget’ via the PPO school contact person per school.

The Primary Education Act (WPO) and the Expertise Centers Act (WEC) form our legal basis. In Rotterdam, appropriate education is approached collectively and based on solidarity.

We deploy people and resources where it is needed, ‘each one is not the same’. We are working on more inclusive education, in a more inclusive city.

Is Fynch also the next step for your organization?