Fynch app user manuals
We have different user manuals, dependant on how the app is used in your organization. Click one of the buttons below to select the user manual that applies to how your organization will be using Fynch. All user manuals are available in Dutch and English; translate the page using the button at the top do download the version in the other language.
We recommend sharing a link to the download page with your employees. The user manuals are updated periodically, so by doing this you can be certain to use the latest version.
Fynch app regular
In the regular user manual, all functionalities of the app are highlighted, including automatic trip detection and submitting expenses. In most cases, this user manual will be best suited for your organization.
Fynch app for CO2 registration
Does your organization use the app for CO2 registration, not connected to expenses? In that case, this user manual is suited for you. The user manual contains a full description of the functionalities of the app, without making the connection with expenses.
Manual registration only
Select this user manual when automatic trip detection is fully disabled on the license. In this case, the number of functionalities is limited compared to the other applications of the Fynch app. In this manual, there are no mentions of automatic trip detection.