Manual recording and declaration of trips and home office days
The Fynch Web Application is a user-friendly web tool that provides the employee with daily support in manually recording CO2 emissions and declaring commuting, business trips, and home office days. The tool can be used in combination with the Fynch app.
- User-friendly calendar for managing trips and home office days
- Automatic calculation of reimbursements based on company-specific reimbursement rules
- Get your records in order in a few clicks
- Set up your own personal means of transport
- Embedded fraud prevention
- Automatic CO2 emission calculation per trip
- Fiscal & GDPR proof
- Privacy and data security assured (ISO 27001)
- CO2 reporting in RVO format

Fynch Web in combination with the Fynch App
When you use the Fynch Web Application in combination with the Fynch App, the data is synchronized to allow you to easily use them alongside each other.
We are here for all your questions about Fynch Web
Fynch Web is part of all Fynch packages.
Yes, Fynch ensures that you can download your organization’s data on an aggregated and anonymous level in the RVO format.
This keeps the privacy of your employees protected and ensures that you, as an employer, meet the data collection requirements.
This is possible if your organization has the Fynch Enterprise package. With the Fynch Enterprise package, Fynch can be integrated with all existing HR/Salary software, carbon accounting software and more.
For example, we are already fully integrated with AFAS.
Certainly. The employee can choose to solely use Fynch Web. This does mean that the employee must manually enter commuting trips, business trips and work-from-home days.
Fynch is GDPR compliant and ISO-27001 certified.
Read our privacy statement here for more details.
Employees can log in via Single Sign On (SSO).
Yes, definitely. Upgrading to Fynch Pro or Fynch Enterprise is very easy.
Do you want to upgrade? We are happy to help you.