Behavioral Change by means of OBM
It remains one of the biggest challenges for mobility professionals: how to effectively bring about behavioral change in travel behavior. Answering this question lies at the heart of what we do. In our search for the beast methodology, we ended up with Organizational Behavior Management (OBM), a scientific theory of behavior change.
We will save you some time; in a nutshell, when you want to change behavior you first have to properly measure it. Next, you can link consequences to it. With positive consequences, people will show more of the desired behavior. With negative consequences (such as fines), you hope that the behavior will stop. We link different positive consequences to the behaviors you want to see more of:
- Cycling
- Walking
- Traveling outside rush hours
- Traveling using an EV
- Not traveling (home office)
We primarily encourage users through social rewards such as insight into their own performance and through compliments! In addition, we reward with Fynch Coins. These coins can be spent on a range of sustainable products and incentives. We furthermore offer the option of setting variable kilometer reimbursements, in which case users receive a higher reimbursement for sustainable forms of mobility such as traveling by bicycle or electric car.